Fundraisers Details

Sadiya's Fight for Life

Sadiya Karajagi, a 39-year-old housewife, has been suffering from kidney disease for the past 9 years. She has been on dialysis for the past 3 years, but her kidneys have now gotten so weak that she needs a kidney transplant. The total cost of the transplant is 11 lakhs rupees, which Sadiya and Altamash, her husband, cannot afford. They are asking for your help to raise money for the transplant so that Sadiya can live a long and healthy life with her family, including their 5-year-old daughter. They live in a rental home in Bijapur, India.

Any amount you can donate will help Sadiya get the transplant she needs. Your donation will give her a chance to live a long and healthy life with her family.

Please donate today and help Sadiya get the kidney transplant she needs.


by Rahman Foundation


raised out of 11,00,000
Sadaqah Zakat Lillah